Thursday, December 13, 2007

Brass Monkeys

Blimey its a bit chilly today. As dawn was slowly breaking the frost rime shimmering under the tranquil light of a new moon (poetic rhubarb or what eh!) this am here's me chasing around catching hens dressed in pyjamas, tatty poncho and stylish muck boot wellies, cos we're having a load of coal delivered today and he has to go through the hen run to get to the coal bunker and a certain person forgot to shut the hen hut door last night. Anyway managed to catch them all, bar nearly decapitating one of them !! Cheered my self up by delving into the land of Oblivion for a few hours and neatly dispatched a cave full of trolls - my archery skills are pretty awesome thou I say it myself. Wow wouldn't it be great if this fantasy world could be reality !!!! Nice house, couple of horses, servants, magick etc. Well at least its there to dip one's toe in once in a while.

Saturday, December 01, 2007


The Holly King dies and the Oak King is born.

Decem was the tenth month of the Roman calendar, containing the seven day celebration of Saturnalia dedicated to the very ancient god Saturn that ended on the 25th. To the Saxons it was winter-monat, meaning ‘winter cometh’. For the Celts, this was a time to keep light alive through the darkest period of the year with the shortest day of the year, the Winter Solstice falling on the 21st day of the month. On this day they celebrated the Celtic Festival of the Stars. Burning fires were kept alight at all times and families joined together around the Winter Solstice as the light of the sun began to return.

Herbs: Holly, ivy, fir and mistletoe

Colours: Red, white, green and black

Flowers: Winter aconite

Scents: Violet, rose geranium, frankincense and myrrh

Crystal: Turquoise, serpentine and peridot

Tree: Pine, fir and holly

Birds: Rook, robin, snowy owl

Animals: Mouse, deer, horse and bear

Deities: Hecate, Minerva

Time to: Endure, die, to be reborn; Earth tides turning. Darkness. Personal alchemy. Spiritual paths. Reach out to friends and family, the lonely and needy.

Cold Moon

During this month the winter cold fastens its grip, and nights are at their longest and darkest.

December Folklore

"Marry on December third
For all the grief you ever heard "

A mild December precedes a cold snap later in the winter:
A green December fills the graveyard"

"If New Year's Eve night-wind blows south,
It betokeneth warmth and growth;
If west, much milk, and fish in the sea;
If north, cold and storms there will be;
If east, the trees will bear much fruit;
If north-east, flee it, man and brute!

A sunny December hails a peaceful and prosperous new year.

If there is ice in December then clover can be cut in spring.

A warm December means a cold spring.